Category Archives: Natural Colon Cleanse

Fiber And Enema Colon Cleanse

A rigorous colon cleanse program has two stages: increase of fiber intake to smooth the bowel movement, and administration of an enema to clear blockage. Most of our diet is composed of very unhealthy food such as chips, fries, burgers, soda, and alcoholic beverages. In this society of fast food chains, our colons are being virtually destroyed. Our colon, aside from elimination of fecal wastes also aid in absorption of water, nutrients and salt from the food particles stored in the large intestines. If water is not […]

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Oxygen Colon Cleanse

A naturally clean colon is a sure path to a healthy living. Through cleansing your colon and taking proper measures to maintain its proper functions you can achieve the following benefits: 1. Rejuvenation and detoxification of your body in and out 2. Restoration and maintenance of regular bowel movements 3. Reduction of toxins in your body which greatly increase your physical energy 4. Elimination of fecal wastes leading to reduction of body weight 5. Healthier digestive system One popular method of cleansing your colon is the oxygen […]

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Natural Herbal Colon Cleanse

Our colon stores food particles that are not digested in the stomach and in the small intestines. This organ also absorbs water, salt and other nutrients from these food remains. The remains after the needed materials are absorbed become our stool or fecal wastes. Though a person can always flush this out through regular bowel movement, there are fecal wastes that are accumulated in the colon wall that cannot be easily removed. A healthy diet composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other foods that are rich […]

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